Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rubyist should be nice to environment

Jason Ong mentioned about the rubbish bin not easy to find in reddotrubyconf venue:

On top of that, I suggest spliting recyclable materials. So many cans dropped into rubbish bin. I tried to put some cans together into a paper box. but people thought that paper box was also rubbish bin ... sigh

As a rubyist, we have to be smart in our life and being nice to everything (not only everyone) around us.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Using git as engine

Another amazing talk in reddotrubyconf. Tom Preston Werner shared about application utilizing the git capability, i.e. versioning, branches, tag, link files by commit. For example, gollum is a wiki engine use git as storage. Another one is bup using git packfile format to implement the backup system

Video for the same talk can be found here:

Developer codes <-> Author writes

Developer implementing ideas into software pieces is like author writing ideas into books.

Keep writing things you want to tell the world. Some of them may touched someone's heart. (Some may touch no one's heart, though) Some of them may help changing the world. Some of them may just stayed in the book store, looking long for someone to pick it up.

And then one day, all of them will be gathered inside author's Bio, describing the author himself.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Another idea prototyping for comic fans: Comics Crowd

I created an application to share fav comic book list:

it is great if you can recommend good comic books to me (and to other people)

need your feedback to improve the website too ~



Written in Ruby On Rails

Open Source at github:

Deployed to heroku

Hong Kong Coder, if you are interested in CTF hacking game

VXRL will play the Defcon CTF hacking game in June and we are holding a briefing session for new comers. (most likely taking place in Hong Kong PolyU)

if you are interested, please email Dark Floyd:

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Red Dot Ruby Conf 2011

Few things I think of after RedDotRubyConf day 1 event:

  • Rubyist =~ Agilist
  • I wish that people having 3G tethering, could form a Wifi access point cluster and share to attendee
  • Singapore's food and drinks are more expensive than 4 years ago
  • Today's talk keep remind me not to be lazy developer
  • Looking forward to RiteVM, to write mobile application in ruby
  • Pivotal Labs has plenty of talented developers

Friday, April 15, 2011

Control application by mind

Saw this company name Neurosky when i visited Hong Kong Science Park.

Wonder what happens if i think of "some" websites when I do presentation in front of client. Will it open the website automatically ?! haha - personal website in jQuery and CSS3

There are just too many online profile and resume website, so i take this chance to build my own website describing myself. Applied many jQuery navigation / menu plugins. Enjoy ~

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cannot verify Web Master Tools using Google Analytics

Google Web Master Tools provided an option to verify the website ownership with Google Analytics. So, after you placed the javascript provided by Google Analytics, verified successfully by Google Analytics, the Web Master Tools should be verified in few more clicks.

However, after I selected "Link to your Google Analytics account", it keeps saying not able to verified. It turns out that Web Master Tools not able to verify the code snippet that is placed outside head. (the common practice is placing at the bottom of the page, before the end of body ?!).

Therefore, placing the javascript snippet inside your < head >... < /head > will solve this problem.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Looking forward to new anobii

I wanted to integrate with anobii and found their API really too simple. Their API currently only supports one simple bookshelf query. What I need at the moment is to query my own bookshelf with filters by tags.

I really love anobii and I offered my effort to help integrate their API for free. The reply is that .... they are currently working on the new API !! so excited !! Looking forward to their new API and Good Luck ~

Friday, April 8, 2011

Maven error in ubuntu

One of our projects are using scala with maven. Not sure which dependency was added and then when we did mvn install the com.sun:tools:jar missing error is thrown.

Java is in the class path. Usual guess is JDK versus JRE setup. Tried out few environment variable settings, and we end up solved it by installing the sun java and get rid of the default ubuntu java.

Here are the command from Thanks !

1. Update Ubuntu Repository
sudo add-apt-repository "deb maverick partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get remove openjdk-6-jre-headless
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre
sudo apt-get autoremove

2. Set what kind of Java we used in Ubuntu Linux
sudo update-alternatives --config java

You can pick up what kind of Java you need to use.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stackoverflow Hong Kong Meetup April 2011

It was great fun last night ~ each of us talked about what we were up to. Beers and pizza@pizzabox

(it is really difficult to find their menu, we have hacked up a simple app to solve this problem: Menu Web Hong Kong )

Btw, I was the only local Hong Kong coder attending. Where are the other hackers ?!

here is a quick meetup summary:



He talked about his Makible and shared some concepts in encouraging global manufacturing.

General Sensing

They were doing pet products in Boston. Now they are in Hong Kong working on health care products in hospital.


HTML, CSS and Javascript coder. welcome for projects


He restarted coding recently. Playing with rails.

Thought Sauce: Steve Holmes and me

We are delivering an internal financial product (written in Ruby On Rails) for a client. At the same time, we are doing side projects and developing their own web / mobile products.

William Taysom

As usual, William is solving some technically and algorithmic difficult problems. One of them is auction related algorithm optimization.

Other topics about Hong Kong

  • Difficult to recruit the right people in Hong Kong
  • Regular geeky meetup in Hong Kong
  • Why Singapore hackers are doing something that we are not?
  • Why Hong Kong not a good place for hackers and startups (talk about it in another post)
  • Hong Kong has so good positive GDP, but not much teams benefited from it
  • remote area Cyberport has cheaper parking and cinema tickets
  • Why company in Hong Kong use Microsoft?
  • Thoughtworks also not able to sustain their business in Hong Kong ?
  • There are many MIT talents doing interesting projects here

Thanks !

Jonathan, Thank you for offering boot hk as the meetup venue.

Thanks Steve and Thought Sauce, organizing this meetup and sponsored the drinks