Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Deploying single ruby script to heroku

I need a simple ping service which notifies me (via email) when my web application is down. I can write a simple ruby script to achieve that without much problem.

However, I also want this script to be run regularly and hosted on the internet for FREE. the following is my attempt on using Heroku and Heroku's Scheduler add-on.
(Heroku's scheduler can run every 10mins, 1 hour or 1 day)

only 2 files are needed: health_check.rb and Gemfile.
Source Code:

Directory Structure:

OK, actually 3 files.
- health_check.rb is a ruby script which calls Net::HTTP and sends email using Net::SMTP
- Gemfile is an file which tells Heroku that this is a ruby application
- Gemfile.lock is the file being generated after running bundle install

that's it. go ahead and push it to heroku:
git push heroku master

and then add Heroku Scheduler to your project.
you can do it by logging in to heroku.com or via command line

add a scheduler job with ruby command line: