Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hong Kong Ruby Developer Job Market demands greater than supply

Recently, many teams in Hong Kong are recruiting Ruby On Rails developers. However, due to the nature of human laziness, not much people are willing to spare their own time learning Ruby On Rails.

Even though companies are willing to train up new Rubyist, people still do not think being a fulltime Ruby programmer is a good career. All the big players in Hong Kong are using Java, .Net and iOS, it makes career development path for starting as a Ruby developer harder.

The conventional development path for IT worker is promoting to project management instead of development. Salary and job promotion will stop soon if you stay as a coder even though how great program you can write. That's how pathetic it is being a normal developer in Hong Kong. Being a Ruby developer is considered risky and has no future.

here are some of the local Hong Kong companies recruiting RoR developers:

Regularly, Rubyist are coming from all over the world. Very interesting though. They just give a shout at google group, talk to several people, then they will get the job, fly over and then work here. The supply here internally in Hong Kong is really far far under the demand.

Very often, they compare the advantages of working in Hong Kong with Singapore. Singapore's ruby community and business usage looks much better than that in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is totally in a bad place booting up the culture of applying the edge tools instead of using the popular tools. But that's would be another long story about geographical competitiveness.


  1. I think quite a lot of employers/companies don't even know anything about the technologies they mentioned in job requirements

    After I tried Rails, I cannot go back to .NET/Java (and I hate PHP)

    I am not sure if I can find a Rails job in Hong Kong
    But I will just stick with Rails to the end
    (I also develop iOS Apps in my FYP :P)

  2. I looked into it before, but the salaries for ruby/rails developers in HK were far lower than most other developed countries. Hong Kong is an expensive city and the salaries I saw didn't suffice, so Japan is more attractive.

  3. I looked into it before, but the salaries for ruby/rails developers in HK were far lower than most other developed countries. Hong Kong is an expensive city and the salaries I saw didn't suffice, so Japan is more attractive.

  4. Yes ruby on rails is little bit tough language so many people are not interested in learning. Therefore there are very few ROR developers in India. If you are looking for ROR developers email us at: info@cryptextechnologies.com

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