Thursday, June 30, 2011

Google Sites with mobile template. Codeaholics HK website

we just finished one meetup last night. enjoyed it so much. try my best to promote it to more coders in Hong Kong ~

to get some more web presence for Codeaholics HK meetup, I created a Google Sites with the mobile template:

Friday, June 17, 2011

Hong Kong IT Event Calendar update

I help maintaining the Hong Kong Web and Tech Meetup calendar.

If you are organizing or attending any tech events in Hong Kong, email me and I will update the calendar asap. tatonlto [at]

Notes when using Eager Loading on Polymorphic relationship

Eager Loading on Polymorphic calls
After checking the Rails API, it is confirmed that eager loading on polymorphic column works. "Eager loading is supported with polymorphic associations." Rails API

My eager loading is a deep hierarchy of associations (people -> reference -> source). so my scope is something like this:
@people = People.includes([:comments, {:reference => :source}])

Problem 1
However, when I use the @people in the view some of them work as expected but some of them throws EagerLoadPolymorphicError:
ActiveRecord::EagerLoadPolymorphicError: Can not eagerly load the polymorphic association :reference

To solve this, usually a loading trigger before the method call would solve it. For example, calling #first, #last or #any

Problem 2
After finish the each loop on @people in the view, I call a function which is a scoped summation function, e.g. #self.total_membership_fees. And this line throws the EagerLoadPolymorphicError !
the loop works fine but the scoped class function does not.

It is like the @people active record relationship is an immutable object which has to preload in every scope.

To solve this, I could do self.any? before self.sum(&:membership_fee). but I simply use another scoped object for calculating the total, before my total_x method does not requires the polymorphic relationships.

Hope it helps clarifying your problem too.

ssh ForwardAgent yes not working (SOLVED!)

I am using MacOS.
I was able to use ssh with id_rsa public key authentication and do something in remote server with "ForwardAgent yes".

But then I setup my new machine, I regenerate keys, copied over to remote server, it doesn't work. I can still authenticate into the server successfully, just that I could not see the behavior of ForwardAgent. the path of the config file is correct, content exactly the same.

After few tests, found out that I should have passphrase for the ssh key pairs, so that the "ForwardAgent yes" would work as expected.

I could not find this requirement for ForwardAgent usage on the internet after few google search. Please redirect me to the documentation, in case any of you found it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Codeaholics June 2011 Meetup

coding knowledge sharing meetup. Open to public, *FREE* of charge.

* * * * * * * * * Speakers * * * * * * * * *
= William Taysom
= An Introduction to Haskell - Part 2

= Shravan Gurrala
= iOS and Objective C

= Matthew Rudy
= "Javascript Web Applications"

* * * * * * * * * Sponsors * * * * * * * * *

= Venue by
= 19/f, Hang Wai Commercial Building, 231-233 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai

= Beer by Thought Sauce

Friday, June 10, 2011

灣仔Mac Book 維修整機非常掂。旺角Pxxxxxx完全唔掂

上星期拎左部MAC BOOK PRO去旺角電腦中心一樓Pxxxxxx整,過左幾日打去問都話唔知咩事。日日打去問都話師父未番,師父話唔知咩事,遲D打番俾你啦(無覆過電話)。我等左個幾星期(10日)之後就叫佢SHIP番黎,唔駛佢整。


強列推薦香港灣仔298三樓347店(O係最入最角落位置)GreenMac SIMON

Hope Google Group Mailing List supports +1 (PLUS ONE)

sometimes I saw some funny jokes in google group mailing list, I really want to support/push by facebook "like" or google "+1"

so bad that it is not open source and I could not plug my idea into it. Socializing public group discussion sounds fun.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Looking for funding and VC in Hong Kong

We are looking for funding to support our product research and development. Because we don't have a large amount of cash to bootstrap for long.


Besides seeking advices from friends, experts from startup hong kong community (Special thanks to Vincent@Primitus and, I tried the gov consultation service SUCCESS:


It is an online helpdesk. I sent a question to them regarding gov funding and the issue of shortage of bootstrapping cash. Their representative replied me within hours on the phone. Some information provided which I think it may be useful to you all.


In General

Most of the government funding only support 50% of your cost. It is very good already, because you can purchase equipment and recruit engineers by investing 50%.

If you cannot afford even the 50% of your running cost, the remaining option is low-rate business loan or even no-rate business loan.

If you still think loan is not suitable, or the max. amount they fund is not enough for your project, you can look for investors.


Available services


SME Fund

SME Low-Rates Loan

Youth Business Hong Kong Loan




I haven't looked into the details yet, but I think the hkvca matching corner could help me a bit:

It provides a place for teams to look for venture capital. You specify your project status and funding target, then let the investors to approach you.


Anything better ?

I personally expect a more interactive way to look for venture capitals in Hong Kong. It is good if there is a pool of investors that I could talk to and show my products or services to. Some open demo events with group of potential investors attending would be good. But still, venture capital is still not that popular and open in Hong Kong yet. sigh ...

After gathering all the information and advises, the best way I can think of is to build the prototype after office hours, and save money from my day time job salary. My target is to have enough money to off work for around 6 months and fully focus on developing several products. And then look for ways to sustain the financial expenses. Hope that this 6 months could happen earlier and then do the real startup earlier.