Friday, June 17, 2011

ssh ForwardAgent yes not working (SOLVED!)

I am using MacOS.
I was able to use ssh with id_rsa public key authentication and do something in remote server with "ForwardAgent yes".

But then I setup my new machine, I regenerate keys, copied over to remote server, it doesn't work. I can still authenticate into the server successfully, just that I could not see the behavior of ForwardAgent. the path of the config file is correct, content exactly the same.

After few tests, found out that I should have passphrase for the ssh key pairs, so that the "ForwardAgent yes" would work as expected.

I could not find this requirement for ForwardAgent usage on the internet after few google search. Please redirect me to the documentation, in case any of you found it.


  1. I just encountered the same scenario and problem ... thank you for posting this solution!

  2. Same problem here, f***ck, thanks a lot!

  3. Good article on github about ForwardAgent
